Since our current education system is built to technicality, it is designed in a 'Work = Reward/Consequence' basis where a good work is rewarded by a good grades and poor grades to those who fail to meet the requirement. Our minds are being programmed to succeed on our first attempt to the given task, it doesn't encourage us to make mistakes and learn from them. Similar to employment world whereas; a good performance will be rewarded while a lousy job can cause agitation and worst case scenario is getting fired if you got caught up in a numerous unsatisfactory job. What happens now, we are not equipped to manage our emotion, handle our frustrations and accept rejections. Here's a link from my previous post about it: Education To Employment
Stuffs you ought to know!

These are reasons why you should make time for yourself to see and listen to their seminars.
Here are some common educational tools Network Marketing Companies offer:
Opportunity Presentation - This is where you'll be prompted of what you can achieve and gain from being a business partner. Usually the summary of Product, Marketing and Compensation Plan
Product Presentation- This part describes the background of the product manufacturer, it's credentials and legacy. Then a technical and detailed presentation of the product and its benefits followed by proof of potency.
Marketing Plan - This is the part where an experienced speaker thoroughly discuss about different marketing strategies to choose from in able to do the business. It is also where they explain how the company system works, to ensure that you can be successful if you know how to manage it.
Compensation Plan - A thorough explanation on how the company will pay you regarding your work. This is where they'll discuss the "how's and why's" of payments you'll receive for your hard work and productivity.
Motivational Talk -This are commonly done by a company achiever, step by step information and tips he used to become successful. Mistakes he had done, problems, obstacles, emotional trials encountered and the solutions to make it right etc.
Inspirational Talk - This is basically done by people who struggled in life to live, uneducated or sometimes disabled individual who succeeded from their perseverance using the system. It is meant to touch emotions of the audience and become the key to challenge themselves to strive harder because they are more fortunate and capable of accomplishing tasks given such intelligence and enough resources to use.
Newbie Orientation - This is a technical explanation about the used company system. This is exclusive for new business partners. The tools used to become a proper user of the system.
Advance Training - Mind setting, strengthening emotional quotient. Also knowing, enhancing and developing your skill sets. Gathering available resources that can be use to build and boost your productivity.
The purpose of these seminars is to open mind about opportunity to earn equally or more depending on your hard work. There is nothing about discouraging somebody to work but, to convince someone to go and to try it out to see what it can do to someone.
Face the reality of the world we're both living in. We are only helping the rich get richer and us the employees with a steady paycheck no matter how hardworking we are. At the end of the day we are not paid by our skills or intelligence, we are only paid by our work hours. You are a smart person right? use that to outsmart your company. Earn money from a part time business until such time you can fire your boss and gain flexible time and financial success.
"The question isn't can you? it is will you?"
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