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Showing posts with label Blog. Show all posts

Friday, February 20, 2015

Network Marketing Educational System

Stuffs you already knew!

Since our current education system is built to technicality, it is designed in a 'Work = Reward/Consequence' basis where a good work is rewarded by a good grades and poor grades to those who fail to meet the requirement. Our minds are being programmed to succeed on our first attempt to the given task, it doesn't encourage us to make mistakes and learn from them. Similar to employment world whereas; a good performance will be rewarded while a lousy job can cause agitation and worst case scenario is getting fired if you got caught up in a numerous unsatisfactory job. What happens now, we are not equipped to manage our emotion, handle our frustrations and accept rejections. Here's a link from my previous post about it: Education To Employment

Stuffs you ought to know!

That is why Network Marketing Companies develop educational systems to prepare their employees for those kinds of real life challenges and obstacles. Seminars are conducted by speakers, these speakers are teachers with real life experiences, they didn't learn what they teach from school. Each and every one of them have their own unique story to tell because they have lived it first hand to tell that story. They don't just talk to you directly but they also reach out to your spirit, just like the speeches made by Kings to soldiers before going to war. In other words, they are real life coaches with all the rights to brag about what they have achieved which qualifies them to teach what they had learned from it. My view about this is - if you want to become a businessman? Hear and learn from a successful businessman. Don't listen to someone who talk the talk, find someone who walk the walk. Don't go to business school, they'll teach you to become an employee. Simply because after years of studying, when you graduate then you'll apply for a management position hence as an employee and not as a businessman. It's like we're all in a system where we are being programmed to become workers. You're perseverance as an employee is a good thing but maybe you're just in the wrong system. Maybe that is also why you always come up short when it comes to financial aspects.

These are reasons why you should make time for yourself to see and listen to their seminars.

Here are some common educational tools Network Marketing Companies offer:

Opportunity Presentation - This is where you'll be prompted of what you can achieve and gain from being a business partner. Usually the summary of  Product, Marketing and Compensation Plan

Product Presentation- This part describes the background of the product manufacturer, it's credentials  and legacy. Then a technical and detailed presentation of the product and its benefits followed by proof of potency.

Marketing Plan - This is the part where an experienced speaker thoroughly discuss about different marketing strategies to choose from in able to do the business. It is also where they explain how the company system works, to ensure that you can be successful if you know how to manage it.

Compensation Plan - A thorough explanation on how the company will pay you regarding your work. This is where they'll discuss the "how's and why's" of payments you'll receive for your hard work and productivity.

Motivational Talk -This are commonly done by a company achiever, step by step information and tips he used to become successful. Mistakes he had done, problems, obstacles, emotional trials encountered and the solutions to make it right etc.

Inspirational Talk - This is basically done by people who struggled in life to live, uneducated or sometimes disabled individual who succeeded from their perseverance using the system. It is meant to touch emotions of the audience and become the key to challenge themselves to strive harder because they are more fortunate and capable of accomplishing tasks given such intelligence and enough resources to use.

Newbie Orientation - This is a technical explanation about the used company system. This is exclusive for new business partners. The tools used to become a proper user of the system.

Advance Training - Mind setting, strengthening emotional quotient. Also knowing, enhancing and developing your skill sets. Gathering available resources that can be use to build and boost your productivity.

The purpose of these seminars is to open mind about opportunity to earn equally or more depending on your hard work. There is nothing about discouraging somebody to work but, to convince someone to go and to try it out to see what it can do to someone.

Face the reality of the world we're both living in. We are only helping the rich get richer and us the employees with a steady paycheck no matter how hardworking we are. At the end of the day we are not paid by our skills or intelligence, we are only paid by our work hours. You are a smart person right? use that to outsmart your company. Earn money from a part time business until such time you can fire your boss and gain flexible time and financial success.  

"The question isn't can you? it is will you?"


Saturday, February 14, 2015

Traditional Business Versus Personal Business Franchise

Stating the Obvious...

Whenever we hear the word Networking, Network Marketing, Referral Marketing and Etc., people tends to raise eyebrows or laugh about it. They often think it's a SCAM, well I cannot blame anyone for that mentality because I also think that way before. Pyramiding schemes are everywhere hiding in plain sight, being advertised on air and other sorts of advertisements. We took pity on victims being interviewed in our local TV news, poor people with dreams to live well someday and escape poverty, that makes them an easy prey for scammers. Lack of vigilance and knowledge about the what they are into is what drove these people off the cliff. There are lots of guidelines available to distinguished pyramid scams to the legit ones, here is my version; my other post about it - Guidelines For Choosing A Good Network Marketing.

Leading corporations use the same concept if you haven't noticed yet. It's called leveraging - multiplication of oneself through others. Richest, people in the world doesn't have all the education and skills they need to become rich, all they need to do is find an asset with the expertise on that required field of study and hire them to do the work. All business is made up of network of working individuals with different qualification. From CEO to the lowest paid employees, check the organizational chart and it's a very common structure -

The Legendary Pyramid. 

Large corporations like some famous fast food chain use a system called franchising. Basically this is a network of individual business owners working inside a corporation. These individual business owners pay a huge investment fee a.k.a franchise to plug themselves into the network and gain access to services offered in exchange for the investment. This is also the system that network marketing companies use. The difference in traditional business and network marketing business is; in traditional network building you'll need to have lots of capital to start a business or hundreds of thousands maybe millions to tap into their system as a share holder, while the latter only require minimum investment fee entitling you to use the company's assets, services and facilities. In business term, this is called personal business franchise. See the similarity?

Factors to consider in building a business:

Traditional Business:
  1. Idea - first you need to know what you're business be like.
  2. Capital - money to fund your business and expenses while still in process of building the business.
  3. Location - where your business be located and consumers to market products or services.
  4. Business Registration - Process to legalize your business (DTI, SEC)
  5. Merchandise - what are your products or services to sell.         
  6. Employees - people to mobilize your business.                            
 Network Marketing Business:
  1. Capital -   money to fund your business and expenses while still in process of building the business.
  2. Employees - people to mobilize your business. 

Since network marketing companies are already a established traditional business, they already provided the Idea, Location, Business Registration and Merchandise. All you need is the capital and people to help you mobilize your business. Furthermore, these companies provide a vast educational system to help you build your business, boost up self confidence and lift up fighting spirit.

Remember that equal amount of opportunity is offered to all members depending on their productivity. So if you think that Network Marketing is a quick "GET RICH" scheme, sorry but you need to educate yourself more my friend. Open your eyes and mind.

Well this is a metaphor; as a working individual you are already a workhorse working for a superior workhorse working altogether for the human who owns the ranch, who gets all the good stuffs dude? Working hard as an employee doesn't mean you'll own the company one day, the line is way too long before you so it would be heart breaking to keep your hopes up too soon. Don't be mad because I'm taking you in some point somehow so keep on reading instead.

 Now let's apply this to a network marketing business. Don't complain if the one on your upper level gets the good stuffs first because you didn't bother to complain working for your supervisor or manager right? You cannot fire your boss if he/she's lazy, same thing you cannot fire your uplines in Network Marketing Business but, here's your good stuff - This is what I can promise you, compensation plan is normally base on someones productivity and not just by being early, sure you cannot fire a lazy upline but you can surpass his/her earnings. Because if a member become stagnant, the system cannot work for them, thus no commission will come to them. Otherwise, if you excel in managing your business and properly using the system, possibly you'll become the boss of your own organization and same opportunity goes out to each and every one under your management following the system. Take note on "Following the System", meaning "Working Not Waiting!". This is a job and a business at the same time after all, understand?!

"Feed your mind"


Monday, February 9, 2015

I Shine - My First Alliance In Motion Global Inc. Event Experience

This is one of many unquestionable proof of the success that Alliance in Motion Global Inc. is harvesting through the years from its foundation. I Shine is just one simple event that the company provide to reward their achievers but, take note, it had to be done in MOA Arena just to accommodate its supporters. Unfortunately only 16, 000 seats are available and more than 20,000 members wants to buy tickets. Yup, it's truly jam packed with the company's achievers and members!

So here's what we've experience:

It only took us seconds to gain entry on the gates having VIP tickets. Cool right?, it never costs us a single penny to obtain tickets. they're provided to us by our mentors a.k.a. uplines. 

Crowd swarms the reception area with people waiting for companions, buying shirts, foods and having their pictures taken all the way to the comfort rooms. We have had our fair share too.

 It was still early when we entered to find good seats, only 1/8 on of the total seating capacity are currently occupied that time.

Different groups are practicing their own cheers while waiting; you wouldn't feel bored at all. Other groups prepared choreographed dance routines and balloon synchronized movement displays.

The program started in an intense level of energy, on top of the lungs cheering and loud chanting. Everyone participated in the human wave performance instructed by the hosts. Such an amazing display unfortunately I haven't had the chance to capture it because I am a part of the human wave. :-D. There are few heart breaking testimonials, stories of life struggles and success meant to inspire and motivate all aspiring distributors, so for them to give their all and work hard if they want to achieve as much success as theirs (one of those almost made me cry, LOL).

Starting with a military sword bearers march, followed by the entrance of the founders, Board of Directors, Training Team, Speakers Bureau and the Profit Sharing Qualifiers. Followed by the awarding of the Silver Executive. 
Next is Gary Valenciano's serenade for the Profit Sharing Qualifiers then his all out performance which last more than an hour. Here are some clips I captured from his performance:

Gary V. mentioned some heart warming words about our event, on how we - the crowd responded with energy and such dedication to whoever is on that stage. Well, I think it's because of what we call solidarity and loyalty.  

After Gary V.'s performance, the awarding of Gold Executive commenced. It took only 45 Minutes tops, well it's not like many can get promoted to GE asap.

Uhm.. sorry about that neck stiffing video.. never reviewed it before embedding...

Before the program ends, the founders shared motivational talks and good news about the company's new achievements. New business partner, new products and company development. One of the good news is the beginning of construction phase for our company's own 22 Storey Building and Manufacturing Lab. That's how dead serious Alliance In Motion Global Inc. is! They establish its own business building to cater all its distributors needs and provide assistance. I had enough good news for one night that my mind struggles to process much information, lol! just a hyperbole figure of speech, I'm so excited that's all!



 Again, this is just one simple event that AIM Global Inc hosted. Get ready to be blown away on our 9th anniversary celebration to be held at Philippine Arena this May 31, 2015 with a plan to break a Guinness Book of Record called 55,000 Project. Power!!

 "To see beyond what our naked eyes can't, the reality of life and the opportunity that awaits us"


Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Proffesional Employment Carreer?, Time To Wake Up

Our Current System. Mindset and Misguided Beliefs.

What is our common answer when ask about our dreams in life?, mine is "To buy a house and lot, a car and to have my own business". How do we plan to achieve that?, by studying and having a job. Sounds easy right?.

Education is not for everyone. We all know it costs us, public schools are only there until we graduate high school. Others quit because they can't even pay for projects and miscellaneous fees. After that you'll need to find resources like scholarships or a job to pay for your education. The fact that our current employment system is designed and based on our educational background where an under educated person has minimal fighting chance. Let's say a two (2) different person with different educational attainment strive to succeed in life, the sea of opportunity for the educated one is a lot bigger than the other thus a greater chance to have a better life. Get my point?, it's like the world is not meant for the unfortunate ones. Given the situation that you're born poor and uneducated, the odds are unlikely my friend. Chances are that you'll live the rest of your life working each day to bring food on your family's plate as a poor person. If you fail to educate your children, then you're passing that legacy to your children.

I'll try not to be bias on this. I know some individuals who succeeded in life being under educated. Given such inborn skill sets and knowledge learned from their harsh but fruitful life experiences combined with proper timing. Here's the catch, all of those people I knew are businessman and self-employed people. Stories of success featured on Television are commonly from being employee to building their own business from a small capital, tears, sweat and blood. A business company from scratch to a seven figure corporation.

After graduating college, we're obliged to find work to pay bills and start living away from our parent's roof simultaneously helping them financially to gratify their sacrifice in educating us. Well, it's really our duty to take care of family because we're living in a culture where family relationship is valued a lot, specially our folks. It is the way Filipino culture always is, family comes first right?.

Having a job may seem the achievement of our dreams. A steady paycheck, the credibility to apply for house and car loans. Obtain credit cards, buy nice clothes, gadgets and cool stuffs. All sorts of things that makes our everyday lives easy and stuffs to satisfy our hunger to access higher social class. Now we think we're stable enough to start our own family. It all starts to settle into place we planned it to be. Looks much like we are living the dream, having those acquisition for a comfortable and better living. What are we missing?, the reality of we; these people woke up each morning with such regret that we have to work our entire lives to pay for the debt caused by our 'living the dream' in advance. If we're lucky enough to keep a job in a particular company, we're are entitled to a company retirement benefits which is also the payment for the services we've done while being employed. Visualize this, now at last we gain a huge amount of money. We think of what's next for us?. What will we do with it? invest it in mutual funds and other bank investment plans?, it's good if we're saving it for our children, what if we want to taste the fruit of our hard work while we're still alive?. I'm dead sure you're not wasting your money for personal pleasure, family comes first right?, remember our inherited family values?.

Now we all know the solution is to start building our own business, risking a lot to gain a lot. Problem is, the setting up phase of a traditional business is time consuming. If you already have an idea of what the business be like, then you'll need to work on legality issues and all sorts before beginning to establish it.
Bummer dude! how old are you again?. How long do you think will it take to set up and kick start your own business venture. You haven't got forever dude, only few years remaining in your lifetime. So the time is now!, begin visualizing yourself many years from now. Are you the ones being pictured as example from this blog post or are you the ones visualizing yourself as a FREE,FINANCIALLY OVERWHELMED and HELPFUL Individual!


Sunday, March 27, 2011

Layout Modification

Now that I managed to put ads here, it's time to give this blog a little touch of my personality. Lately I'm trying experiment with the layout and design of this blog, I guess it will take a couple of days to get this done and meet the design that suits my personality.

My next move then will be, creating an informative entry I think.