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Showing posts with label Music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Music. Show all posts

Monday, February 9, 2015

I Shine - My First Alliance In Motion Global Inc. Event Experience

This is one of many unquestionable proof of the success that Alliance in Motion Global Inc. is harvesting through the years from its foundation. I Shine is just one simple event that the company provide to reward their achievers but, take note, it had to be done in MOA Arena just to accommodate its supporters. Unfortunately only 16, 000 seats are available and more than 20,000 members wants to buy tickets. Yup, it's truly jam packed with the company's achievers and members!

So here's what we've experience:

It only took us seconds to gain entry on the gates having VIP tickets. Cool right?, it never costs us a single penny to obtain tickets. they're provided to us by our mentors a.k.a. uplines. 

Crowd swarms the reception area with people waiting for companions, buying shirts, foods and having their pictures taken all the way to the comfort rooms. We have had our fair share too.

 It was still early when we entered to find good seats, only 1/8 on of the total seating capacity are currently occupied that time.

Different groups are practicing their own cheers while waiting; you wouldn't feel bored at all. Other groups prepared choreographed dance routines and balloon synchronized movement displays.

The program started in an intense level of energy, on top of the lungs cheering and loud chanting. Everyone participated in the human wave performance instructed by the hosts. Such an amazing display unfortunately I haven't had the chance to capture it because I am a part of the human wave. :-D. There are few heart breaking testimonials, stories of life struggles and success meant to inspire and motivate all aspiring distributors, so for them to give their all and work hard if they want to achieve as much success as theirs (one of those almost made me cry, LOL).

Starting with a military sword bearers march, followed by the entrance of the founders, Board of Directors, Training Team, Speakers Bureau and the Profit Sharing Qualifiers. Followed by the awarding of the Silver Executive. 
Next is Gary Valenciano's serenade for the Profit Sharing Qualifiers then his all out performance which last more than an hour. Here are some clips I captured from his performance:

Gary V. mentioned some heart warming words about our event, on how we - the crowd responded with energy and such dedication to whoever is on that stage. Well, I think it's because of what we call solidarity and loyalty.  

After Gary V.'s performance, the awarding of Gold Executive commenced. It took only 45 Minutes tops, well it's not like many can get promoted to GE asap.

Uhm.. sorry about that neck stiffing video.. never reviewed it before embedding...

Before the program ends, the founders shared motivational talks and good news about the company's new achievements. New business partner, new products and company development. One of the good news is the beginning of construction phase for our company's own 22 Storey Building and Manufacturing Lab. That's how dead serious Alliance In Motion Global Inc. is! They establish its own business building to cater all its distributors needs and provide assistance. I had enough good news for one night that my mind struggles to process much information, lol! just a hyperbole figure of speech, I'm so excited that's all!



 Again, this is just one simple event that AIM Global Inc hosted. Get ready to be blown away on our 9th anniversary celebration to be held at Philippine Arena this May 31, 2015 with a plan to break a Guinness Book of Record called 55,000 Project. Power!!

 "To see beyond what our naked eyes can't, the reality of life and the opportunity that awaits us"


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Frank, Inyo and Franco

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I was really thrilled the first time I heard about this band Franco, their album was released last May 2010. I was captivated by their reggae rock music, and surely lot of us will dig in the lyrics.

Franco is composed of individuals affiliated with established acts - Franco Reyes (Inyo), Gabby Alipe (Urbandub), Paolo Toleran (Queso), Buwi Meneses (Parokya ni Edgar), and JanJan Mendoza (Urbandub), that's why they call them super band. That's also why I'm kind of jumped by excitement, it was days of getting high to their music and I loved it. Eventually while searching for some details about their album, I came across a debated forum about Franco Reyes' former band InYo and the newly launch super band Franco where they argue on who plays best. Then I was really disappointed to found out that most of the songs released by Franco was already out internationally in InYo's album and was also played by Frank (Franco Reyes' original Cebu based band).

Now here's the catch, I know that Franco Reyes wrote this songs and it is his music, and has the right to play these songs even if Frank and InYo disbanded because of the royalty but, releasing this songs again as their debut album as Franco come on!, well I never heard a disbanded group re-released their songs again under another band name, usually they release an album with new singles and sings their previous bands hit songs. I understand now why the other side in the forum proclaim Franco as a Super Cover Band. Well don't get me wrong, I really like that Franco was formed, because it's a great band but a band was suppose to make new songs not to play songs that was released before. I think the original band Frank deserves the credit for these songs, they are the ones behind that music when it was being crafted anyway.

I have nothing against Franco, this is just my opinion you know. I like Franco band because of it's super band title and I'm looking forward for their next album and I hope it will be surprisingly good,. I salute Frank for bringing the music to life, Inyo for making it international and Franco for popularizing it to our country. They are all great bands, and to you Sir Franco for a good strategy to keep your own music alive. So Kudos! More Power.